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Notam Map

Fill in the details of your planned flight.
Only those notams will be selected that are valid for the period, level, type of flight etc. you specify, and will result in a smaller number of notams to check.
This site will show the location of the selected notams on a map for a quick overview.
Geographical areas described in notams by coordinates are also plotted on the map.
Icao codes of your route
from to to to to
departure (utc) dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm arrival (utc) dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm
between FL and FL
Half width of flightpath (nm)


FIR notams are not correctly displayed at the moment. There is an error at the notam provider I'm using (
This error has happened before and they subsequentely fixed it, but it's back again I'm afraid.

Furthermore, I will be terminating this site. It will cost me substantial time to find another notam provider and alter the software accordingly.
And since there were no donations, it's probably not relevant enough for people.
I'm using integrated planning and navigation software (including notams) myself for some time now, so I hardly ever use the site myself nowadays.
It was fun building and using the site however, and I hope it was useful for you too.
If you find useful, help keeping this site up and running.
Your donation will be used for covering hosting costs etc.
Think of donating the equivalence of 2 minutes flying costs to support this site.